Italian Carrara marble, mined since ancient Rome, has always been a favorite of sculptors and architects. Its pronounced pearl pattern, on a noble white background, displaying complex shades and color gradations, creates a sense of movement and gives the surface of the stone an undeniable individuality. Dogma, with a pedantic attention to details, breathes new life into such beautiful and delicate material. Torino collection is created by carefully selecting the most valuable marble samples reproduced with maximum digital accuracy in porcelain tiles. The unpredictability of the pattern always comes from natural sample and is calibrated by Dogma experts. The product is presented in two surfaces: Levigato - a perfectly smooth mirror surface and characteristic «depth of color» Silk Natural surface with the light polishing of relief tiles has a soft shine, retaining the texture of the source material. Silk Natural fully reproduces tactile and aesthetic sensations, reflects the charm of natural stone. Torino collection is a part of the Dogma Project Antibacterial (DPA) series. This tile has antibacterial properties, complies with ISO 22196:2011

Torino Silk Natural Rettificato 60 cm x 120 cm

Torino Silk Natural Rettificato 75 cm x 150 cm

Torino Levigato Rettificato 75 cm x 150 cm

Torino Levigato Rettificato 60 cm x 120 cm