For the most complete satisfaction of customer needs, the products of Dogma are divided into three series, each one has its own unique features:
Dogma Smart is the highest quality at available price. This series will interest customers who are used to plan the budget, but are not looking for compromises between price and quality. All products of this series are manufactured in the same factories as premium products of Dogma. The raw materials, the latest technologies and design, quality control at all stages of production, are like in premium series. Compact size and available price are the only differences of Dogma Smart.

Dogma Elegante the distinguishing characteristic of this series are passion to the nature accuracy, natural elegance and accuracy of lines. Decorative elements are always accurate and concise, so they create space filled with purity of lines and beauty of shapes.

Dogma Project Antibacterial  is  a porcelain tile with the highest technical characteristics. This  series  is  designed  not only for living space, but also for  commercial spaces where not  only  aesthetics are important, but also the  strength  and  durability of the materials. The large size of tiles allows to  increase   visual   space,  to  get  an  elegant  optical  effect  due  to   its continuity.  The  use  of  such  tiles  allows  to  reduce  the  number  of  tile seams,  which   eases   the   surface  cleaning.  This  tile  has   antibacterial properties, complies with ISO 22196:2011